Animal Clinical Chemistry. A primer for Toxicologists. Ed Evans 2009

Animal models in toxicology / edited by Shayne C. Gad. 2nd Ed. 2007

Atlas of Experimental Toxicologic Pathology Eds. C. Gopinath, D. E. Prentice and D. J. Jewis MTF Press Ltd. Lancesster/Boston/The Hague/Dordrecht, 1989

Atlas of Toxicological Pathology Eds. Chirukandath Gopinath and Vasanthi Mowat, Humana Press, 2014

Basic Toxicology Eds. Frank C. Lu 3rd Edn, Taylor and Francis, 1101 Veromount Avenue, NW, Suite 200, Washington, D. E 20005-3521, 1996

Boorman’s Pathology of the Rat Eds. Andrew Suttie, 2nd Edition, Academic Press

Handbook of Toxicologic Pathology Eds. N. H. Hascheack, C. G. Rousseaux and M. A., Walling, Vol 1 and 2, Academic press Inc, San Diego, California, USA, 2002

Histopathology of Preclinical Toxicity Studies Eds. Peter Greaves, 3rd Edn, Academic press/Elsevier, Park Avenue South, New York, 2007.

Manual of Histologic Staining Methods of the Armed Force Institute of Pathology Eds. Lee G. Luna, 3rd McGraw Hill Brook Co., New York, Toronto, Sydney, 1968.

Pathology of laboratory rodents and rabbits / Dean H. PercyThird edition, 2007

Pathology of Laboratory Rodents and Rabbits Eds. Dean H, Percy and Stephen W. Barthold, 3rd Edn, 2007, Blackwell Publishing professionals, 2121 State Avenues, Ames, Iowa – 50014, USA

Pathology of the Fischer Rat Eds. Gary A. Boorman et al., Academic Press, Inc. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers, San Diego, New York

Pathology of the Mice Eds. Robert R. Maronpot et al., Cache River Press 2850 Oak Grove Road, Vienna, II 62995, USA

Pathology of Tumours – Laboratory Animals Vol 1, 2nd Edn. – Tumours of Rats Eds. V. S. Turusov and U. Mohr, 1990, IARC Scientific, Lyon, France.

Pathology of Tumours – Laboratory Animals Vol 2, 2nd Edn. – Tumours of Mouse Eds. V. S. Turusov and U. Mohr, 1994, IARC Scientific Publication No – 111 Lyon, France.

Rat Histopathology by P. Greaves and J. M. Faccini (Eds.) 2nd Edn, Elsevier, Amsterdam, London – New York, Tokyo, 1992

Target Organ Pathology – A Basic Text Eds. J. Turton and J. Hooson, Taylor and Francis Ltd. Gun Powder Square, London ECGA 3DE, 1998


Animal Toxicity Studies: Their Relevance for Man (CMR Workshop Series) by C.E. Lumley, S.R. Walker

Casarett & Doull’s Toxicology: The Basic Science of Poisons by Curtis D. Klaassen

CRC Handbook of Toxicology by Michael J. Derelanko (Editor), Mannfred A. Hollinger (Editor)

Dictionary of Toxicology by Ernest Hodgson (Editor), Janice E. Chambers (Editor), Richard B. Mailman -Editor

Encyclopedia of Toxicology by Philip Wexler (Editor), Shayne C. Gad (Editor)

Experimental Toxicology by Anderson, D. M. Connin (Hardcover – December 1990)

Experimental Toxicology: The Basic Issues by Diana Anderson, D.M. Conning (Paperback – August 1, 1995)

Goodman & Gilman’s The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics by Joel Griffith Hardman, Principles and Methods of Toxicology by A. Wallace Hayes

Handbook of Pharmacokinetic/Pharmacodynamic Correlation (Handbooks of Pharmacology and Toxicology) by Hartmut Derendorf (Editor), Gunter, Ph.D. Hochhaus (Editor), ha Derendorf, Hartmutt Derendorf (Editor), Gunther Hochhaus (Editor)

Laboratory Animal Endocrinology: Hormonal Action, Control Mechanisms and Interactions with Drugsby David D. Woodman, Hardcover – September 25, 1997

Lewis’ Dictionary of Toxicology by Robert A. Lewis (Editor)

Statistics and Experimental Design for Toxicologists and Pharmacologists by Shayne C. Gad (Hardcover – June 30, 2005)

Statistics and Experimental Design for Toxicologists by Shayne C. Gad (Editor)

Statistics and Experimental Design for Toxicologists, Third Edition by Shayne C. Gad (Hardcover – August 14, 1998)

Statistics for Toxicologists by David S. Salsburg (Hardcover – June 1, 1986)

The Basis of Toxicity Testing (Pharmacology and Toxicology) by Donald J., Ph.D. Ecobichon

The Disposition of Toxic Drugs and Chemicals in Man by Randall C. Baselt

Toxicology: Principles and Applications by Raymundus Johannes Maria Niesink (Editor),John Devries,man Hollinger, Raymond J. Niesink (Editor), John De Vries-Editor

Transgenic Models in Pharmacology by Stefan Offermanns (Editor), et al (Hardcover – October 16, 2003)


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