About STPI

About STP-I

Welcome to Society of Toxicologic Pathology- India

Society of Toxicologic Pathology – India (STP-I) is a registered society (Registration number:757/04-05) under Karnataka Society Registration Act, 1960. The STP-I was established in 2004 as a nonprofit association of pathologists and other scientists whose principal aim is the advancement of pathology as it pertains to changes elicited by pharmacological, chemical, or environmental agents, and factors that modify these responses. The Society’s 250 members in over the various countries are scientists and professionals who work in academic institutions, government, the pharmaceutical and chemical industry, contract research organizations, or as consultants. They are dedicated to the integration of toxicologic pathology into hazard identification, risk assessment, and risk communication regarding human and  animal exposure to potentially toxic substances. The STP-I provides expert guidance regarding toxicologic pathology data and human or animal health.

STP-I Objectives

Society of Toxicologic Pathology – India was established in 2004 with the following objectives:

    • To share thoughts and update recent developments in Toxicologic Pathology to meet international standards.
    • To periodically review advances in Toxicologic Pathology and ensure adopting them.
    • To recognize outstanding merit and extraordinary contributions by workers in the field.
    • To offer training courses in Toxicological Pathology and related fields for the benefit of in-service working groups and for those in entry levels.
    • To collaborate with the International Federation of Societies of Toxicologic Pathology and other Societies of Toxicologic Pathology for mutual benefits.
    • To impart practical education to students/graduates of Pathology.
    • To make the services of the institution available to the general public either directly or through hospitals, nursing homes and such other organisations.
    • To establish and run Indian Board of Toxicologic Pathology [in short ‘Board’] as a constituent unit / credentialing body, with functional autonomy for certifying the standards and efficiency of Indian Toxicologic Pathologists on the basis of Rules and Regulations governing the Board of Management.

What is Toxicologic Pathology?

Toxicologic pathology is a medical discipline that applies the professional practice of pathology—the study of diseases—to toxicology—the study of the effects of chemicals and other agents on humans, animals, and the environment. Toxicologic pathology professionals work in academic institutions, government, the pharmaceutical and chemical industry, contract research organizations or as consultants, and utilize traditional clinical or anatomic pathology endpoints, as well as contemporary advances in molecular and cellular biology. They are dedicated to the integration of toxicologic pathology into hazard identification, risk assessment, and risk communication regarding human, animal, and environmental exposure to potentiallytoxic substances.


1.   Dr. Narendra Deshmukh, M. V. Sc., DABT –  President

2.   Dr. Satish Panchal, M. V. Sc., DIBTP, ERT, DABT  –  Vice President

3.   Dr. Prafulkumar Patel, M. V. Sc., Ph.D., DIBTP  – General Secretary

4.   Dr. Nikita Bhatt, M. V. Sc., DIBTP – Joint Secretary

5.   Dr. Sanjaykumar Paneliya, M. V. Sc., Ph.D., DIBTP –  Treasurer

6.   Dr. Venkatesha Udupa, M.V.Sc. (Path), M.Sc. (Tox), DABT, ERT (UK), DSP  –  Advisor

Executive Members of Central Council

7.    Dr. Ashvin Patel, M. V. Sc., DIBTP

8.    Dr. Satish Bhalodiya, M. V. Sc., DIBTP, ERT, DABT

9.  Dr. Madhav Mugale, M. V. Sc.

10.  Dr. Madhav Mugale, M. V. Sc.

11.   Dr. Shivam Upadhyay, M. V. Sc.

12.    Dr. Rajesh Jadav, M. V. Sc., DIBTP

13.    Dr. Vishal Patel, M. V. Sc.